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Weight Loss Recipes

Try some of our hand selected weight loss recipes. Each recipe contains a high Foods for Fat Loss (FFL) score. This means each meal has a high satiety to energy ratio, resulting in you feeling fuller after eating less calories. The result, a lower day to day food intake without you having to focus on dieting and going hungry. There are several factors that contribute to a meals satiety value or how full you feel in the hours after the meal. We have placed those factors into an equation to rate each foods or recipes weight loss benefit. More information on the Foods for Fat Loss score is in the link.

Individual recipes also contain a nutritional breakdown of some of these important components such as the foods energy density, fibre, sugar, protein and glycaemic index values. Look on the side of the recipe for this nutritional panel 

Also look out for this star which is the recipes FFL score out of 100. Also included is the kilojoule content per serve if you're cooking according to the exact recipes weights

Healthy Lunch Recipes
  • Middle Eastern Rice Salad
  • Soy Bean Potato Tuna Salad
  • Salmon Egg and Sweet Corn Salad
  • Pasta Salad
  • Chickpea and Couscous Salad
  • Roast Pepper Chickpea Couscous
  • Apple Roasted Vegetables with Chicken, Red Meat or Fish
  • Chicken Salad Wrap
  • Sandwiches

Personal Training Locations -

Coogee, Maroubra, Rushcutter's Bay, Queens Park, Centennial Park, Bronte 

Phone: 0401 396 722 

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