5km Running Program
Welcome to your 5km online running program. The 5km distance is one of the shorter endurance running events. The 5km distance may be used by new runners beginning the sport or an experienced runner who prefer shorter events. Training for a 5km involves slightly lower training distances at higher intensities. More aerobic intervals of 3-10 minutes are used as well as a weekly strength training program. The 5km program is a perfect place to introduce yourself to running.
Program Structure
The programs contain 4-5 exercise sessions per week. Each week contains a strength, a interval, 1-2 medium runs and a longer run. There are specific warm ups to perform before each strength and interval session. If you're experiencing tightness you can also include a stretching routine post run, designed to improve mobility around the hips and ankle joints.
Interval Session Warm ups
The interval session warm up functions to both prevent immediate injury and to improve running technique and performance. Perform the interval session warm up before each interval session
Strength session warm ups
The strength session warm up focuses on improving range of motion and strength in some key area which are commonly tight or weak in distance runners. Perform the strength session warm up prior to each strength training session