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10km running program

10km Running Program

Welcome to our 10km online training program. If you're looking to take on a race in the near future then you have come to the right place. Being able to run 10km all year around is a healthy place to have your fitness level at. For this reason i encourage people to make the 10km distance the staple of their running events. The programs are tailored for a range of fitness levels. The beginner program will help you raise your fitness level to a point where by you can run the entirety of the race. Whilst the advanced program can help take the experienced runner to the next level. Simply choose a program level using our program selection guide. Once you have selected your program click on the videos and follow the week by week program. Each program is 8 weeks in length, the beginners program assumes a base level of fitness. If you're starting from nothing or you're carrying some extra kilo's you make need a lead in period to get you ready for the start. For more information on the program structure view the distance running programs page

Program Structure

The programs contain 4-5 exercise sessions per week. Each week contains a strength, a interval, 1-2 medium runs and a longer run. There are specific warm ups to perform before each strength and interval session. If you're experiencing tightness you can also include a stretching routine post run, designed to improve mobility around the hips and ankle joints. 

Interval Session Warm ups

The interval session warm up functions to both prevent immediate injury and to improve running technique and performance. Perform the interval session warm up before each interval session

Strength session warm ups

The strength session warm up focuses on improving range of motion and strength in some key area which are commonly tight or weak in distance runners. Perform the strength session warm up prior to each strength training session

Running Articles

Choosing your running program

Use the table below to help you select your running program. If you're in the middle of two programs you may need to slightly adjust your training distances to an average of the programs. If your goal is a higher level of performance then choosing the harder program is recommended, if finishing rather then time is your desire then go with the easier program

Below are your running programs. The images are interactive, with click through links to the orange assessments as well as each of the strength training exercises

personal training eastern suburbs body weight squats hamstring curls sit ups bridge single leg hip raises leg abductions lunges reverse crunch single leg bridge squats reverse crunch side bridge supermans squats step ups swiss ball sit ups single leg hip raises kneeling roll aways lunges hamstring curls body weight squats lunges sit ups reverse crunches side bridge sit ups bridge side bridge step ups jumps reverse crunch supermans side bridge body weight squats lunges hamstring curls squats sit ups 2.4km run test 2.4km run test leg enduro leg enduro standing leg abductions standing leg abductions

personal training eastern suburbs side bridge squats squats squats squats squats hamstring curls swiss ball sit ups swiss ball sit ups squats hamstring curls single leg hip raises reverse crunches side bridge leg abductions side bridge leg abductions lunges lunges lunges lunges lunges single leg bridge sit ups sit ups sit ups swiss ball sit ups reverse crunch reverse crunch reverse crunch reverse crunch half burpee half burpees half burpees supermans side bridge reverse crunch jumping lunges jacknifes swiss ball hip raises swiss ball hip raises hip raises hip raises supermans single leg hamstring curls step ups jumps lunge burpees 2.4km run test swiss ball sit ups side bridge side bridge leg abductions side bridge leg abductions 2.4km run test 400m fitness test 400m fitness test leg enduro leg enduro bridge

personal training eastern suburbs squats squats squats squats squats squats swiss ball sit ups swiss ball sit ups swiss ball sit ups hamstring curls hamstring curls single leg hip raises squats hamstring curls single leg hamstring curl reverse crunch side bridge leg abductions side bridge leg abductions lunges lunges lunges lunges single leg bridge sit ups sit ups sit ups swiss ball sit ups reverse crunch reverse crunch reverse crunch half burpee half burpees half burpees side bridge reverse crunch jumping lunges jacknifes swiss ball hip raises swiss ball hip raises hip raises hip raises single leg hamstring curls step ups jumps lunge burpees 2.4km run test kneeling rollaways side bridge side bridge leg abductions 2.4km run test 400m fitness test 400m fitness test leg enduro leg enduro squats jumping lunges swiss ball hip raises swiss ball sit ups side bridge leg abductions single leg hip raise bridge standing rollaways kneeling rollaways supermans hamstring curls lunges swiss ball hip raises kneeling rollaways swiss ball sit ups

Personal Training Locations -

Coogee, Maroubra, Rushcutter's Bay, Queens Park, Centennial Park, Bronte 

Phone: 0401 396 722 

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